Diablo 2 amazon pve builds
Diablo 2 amazon pve builds

diablo 2 amazon pve builds

  • Exploding Bowazon - A Bow Build that uses Exploding Arrow to AoE enemies down at range.
  • Freezing Bowazon - A Bow Amazon Build that uses Freezing Arrow to Freeze and slow enemies.
  • Poison Javazon - Another Javelin Build that uses Plague Javelin to AoE enemies down over time.
  • Lightning Javazon - A Javelin focused Amazon Build that uses Lightning Strike.
  • diablo 2 amazon pve builds

    Spear Amazon - Focus equipment development on armor and shield.Bow Amazon - Completing Charsi quest will lead to a magical bow.Please see the Builds page for a list of all Builds for all characters. Most Amazon builds benefit from items with Mana Steal, as they will allow you to use your skills more frequently. One may select Bows, Spears, Javelins or a magic path. The Equipment choices for the Amazon are dexterity-based weapons. Secondary attributes are Strength and Vitality. The Amazon stat spread is focused on Dexterity, which is the main damage attribute for Amazon Weapons, while also boosting hit chance and defensive evasion. Regardless of your skill spread, there are three skills that are considered essential for any Amazon Build: Critical Strike (doubles attack damage), Avoid and Dodge The Amazon is a versatile class that can easily adapt to several types of weapons thanks to her passive skills. "Īmazon Class Guide: Character Progression The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served. While her skill with the bow rivals that of the Rogues, the Amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. This lifestyle has made her fiercely independent and able to weather severe hardship and travel. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the plains near the South Sea. She relies on magic prowess to enhance her significant martial abilities. "A master of the javelin and bow, the Amazon reacts to combat situations with superhuman agility. This Amazon Class Guide covers all Amazon Skills, Strategies, Suggested Builds and Equipment, as well as providing insight into the character's story and lore. Amazon is a Class in Diablo 2 Resurrected (Remastered).

    Diablo 2 amazon pve builds